Nate and Dominic laying down the tournament bracket and showing off their tennis outfits. Dominic looks a little too comfortable, I think.
The bride and groom celebrating a win over me and Dominic. I stink at tennis. Sorry Domo.
Just hamming it up with Lina.
Lookin good.
Best shorts of the day goes to.....cousin Jason. (This photo may have to be removed, for I did NOT ask Jason's permission)
Nate and his brothers played beautiful music during the ceremony and I was a bridesmaid, so we had our hands full most of the time running around with the kids and doing our wedding duties. Besides one incident (you may ask me personally....not gonna blog about it) staying at the Embassy Suites with a ton of family was a blast. Some of the best times of the weekend were spent just hanging with everyone over breakfast. The kids loved getting to know the extended family....and all the attention.
The wedding was beautiful and everything went so smoothly. Lina and Mark are adorable together and we are so happy for their union.
The beautiful bride and groom.
Proud parents
Lina and her loving brothers.
Finnegan loved hangin with Uncle Josh. They are two peas in a pod...both into percussion instruments and seeing how things work, like this big oil pump they found.
The ladies.