Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Whoa! Gotta catch up.

I know. It's been a while. Nate and I were just talking about how lame I've been about updating this blog. (He didn't call me lame. I did.) I just put the pieces together on why I seem to never have time anymore. I used to be such a night owl, and that's my blog time (as well as my Hulu time) However, shortly after Finn's birthday I joined a swim challenge at the gym which had me getting up before 5am a few days a week with some friends to do laps. I know. It sounds nuts. I'm not even a swimmer really. I take that back. I am now! And then that ended and was replaced with a team challenge with 4 other friends to swim, bike, run, row, do group ex classes, etc. We're mostly all moms, so squeezing in time in the middle of the day is hard. So we get out there and work out before our husbands head to work. Nate leaves at 6:30 so.....it's an early morning. And I dream feed the baby at 4:45 so she won't be a burden to Nate in the morning. Then my mama-friends and I head to the gym around 5am, work out and check off little boxes on a chart that say how badass we are. ;-) We're called the Ms. Fits. (aren't we clever?) Yes, it's flippin early. But I find that on those days, my head is clear, my body feels good and I'm more prepared for my busy day. The problem lies when I want to stay up past 9 that night. I turn into a pumpkin.

Anyhoo.... That's why the ol' family blog still thinks it's in January. But today I'm determined to fix that. So here's a quick catch-up of some stuff I meant to post since then but didn't. The Cliff's Notes version.

100th day of school.
All the kids dress up like old people.

Valentine's Day!
Selah and I made a special paella dinner for the boys. And Nate and Finn sang us girls a song (Love you Forever by the Beatles.) It was absolutely adorable. Finn took it so seriously. I'll never forget how he stood there next to Nate and his guitar, hands to his side, singing in his sweet perfectly in-tune falsetto voice "who knows how long I've loved you....you know I always will....." I wish I had recorded it, but sometimes you just have to be present in the moment and put the camera down. Oh, and Serin didn't do anything for anybody. So selfish. ;-)

This is supposed to be a heart. It was their idea, but I tried to help with the execution. 

St. Patty's Day
Some of the Monley clan came over for some corn beef and cabbage, some Irish Whiskey and a decent rendition of "Oh Danny Boy". 

Serin and the trips.

With the twins and the triplets and Serin there were 6 Irish babies. We failed to get one big green baby picture this time. But it was so fun having so many little ones lying/crawling/walking around.

The fighting Irish!

Ok. Now we're currant. Whew.

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