Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Nate and I have really tried to drive home the REAL reason for the season with the kids, in talking about Jesus' birth and the importance of Christmas to us as Christians. Now....what about all that other Christmas stuff? It must be confusing as a young kid. Maybe they just compartmentalize it all. There's Jesus, born in a stable, while three kings and shepards followed a bright star to find our Savior. And then.....there's Santa Clause...and Rudolf, and the chimney......... That stuff is so fun as a kid. I'm not ready to squash the Christmas magic for Finn & Selah just yet. The other night on Netflix instant watch, we came accross this cute movie:

 I like it! They did a good job of tying together the current idea of Santa and the story of St. Nicholas and gift-giving because of what God has given us. It was cute.

So, anyway.....Santa sent Finn a video message again this year! Finn was very attentive while watching it. He didn't say much....just in shock I think. Click HERE to see Santa's message.

1 comment:

Lina said...

I saw a commercial about Santa messages and wondered if Finners was going to get one this year. Thanks for sharing the good resources. Mark and I are beginning to think about this balance as well with the little one on the way.