Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Family Update

Well, it's been a really interesting and rewarding 2 weeks. A LOT has happened since April 2nd, when Serin was born. For starters, I'm realizing that we've picked a name (again) that can be pronounced a few different ways. So here's the way we say her name. (Ser - IN), with the stress on the second syllable.  It doesn't rhyme w/ Karen, and it doesn't sound like serene. Like my clever friend Anna says, "it's like "syringe" without the g".  That's an unromantic way to think of it, but there you have it.

To back up a bit, the delivery was not my first choice. I had a c-section. We tried to bring labor on for the week or two before the due date in every single way we could besides medically inducing it. We were trying to avoid the same shoulder dystocia we had with Finn, which can be very serious and damaging to the baby, and is more likely with bigger babies. But labor never happened and the doctors and we didn't want to risk having an even bigger baby. Under the circumstances, it was a good decision and the whole experience was almost enjoyable! The staff was great, and I was the only c-section there for the whole morning. So everyone was taking their time. My pre-surgery nurse and I were like old friends by the time I moved to the recovery room. My doctor came in on that Saturday just for me. He is such a great doctor! He takes his time and listens to me, always makes me feel so comfortable, AND he broke a few rules by letting my mom be in the O.R. with us! It's such a bizarre thing to have major abdominal surgery while you're awake! The anesthesiologist was great - I didn't feel a thing, even less than last time.  I just held Nate's hand, and we looked at each other while we waited to here the big announcement....I was pretty surprised when they said "it's a girl"!  My mothers intuition failed me, as I sort of pictured I'd have a boy, but of course I'm so thrilled with another little girl!

I mean, look how sweet she is!

A friend of mine from Finn's preschool gave birth the very same day at the same hospital! She sent me a text that she had had her baby a week early and that she was recovering down the hall! So Nate and I spent some time hanging out with Ericka and her husband, and Serin had her very first play date with baby Bellamy!

Serin has been kind enough to enter our family without too much of a disturbance to our normal routine. I actually thought life with 3 would be so so different. I know it's only been 2 1/2 weeks, but things are going so well. To the kids, it's life as usual, with an occasional whimper from the new baby sister and a mom who's sometimes stuck to the couch nursing. When the kids and I play Star Wars (Finn's new thing) I'm usually Jaba the Hutt now...the big slug who just sits there stuffing his face.

New baby furniture = new places to hide.
Nate took a week off right after Serin was born. So while I was recovering from surgery and glued to Serin, he and the kids had some great bike rides and lots of outside play with Daddy. They've been playing so well together lately. It's really fun to see them connect more, and to listen in on their conversations.

I thought I would be really nesting at home a lot that first week with Serin, but as it turns out, we had some unexpected outings throughout the week and with those crazy birth hormones, I was not myself. Nate commented that he had never seen me cry before. He got to see it on more than 1 occasion that first week. I'm not usually a crier, but some weird hormone took over! The night we checked out of the hospital, I had to go all the way back to Roseville ER because of a weird reaction to my pain medication. All was fine. They just gave me too high of a dosage when they released me. It just freaked me out, and we had to pile everyone into the car in their jammies and they all stayed in the parking lot watching a movie in the car while I went in - not the first night home I was picturing. Also a good friend of the family passed away in a small plane crash that day.  That was so unexpected and just sad.  My first big outing was to his funeral, which turned out to be a wonderful celebration of his life and a huge gathering of people from my home town who I hadn't seen in a while.  That first week, Serin also lost more weight than expected, so we had to go back to the Dr. 3 days in a row. She's good now - not back to birth weight, but getting there. So, it was an eventful week.

Now we are settling in just fine. I am feeling GREAT! I have bounced back more quickly than both of my previous birthing experiences. And we have been SO taken care of! My mother and mother in law have been here for a few days each, helping out. And we haven't had to make dinner once! With preschool moms and my bible study moms and family and friends, we have been well fed and always have leftovers. What a blessing.

Since the weather has been so nice, we've been outside, walking by the river, and playing in the yard more this week. Serin just goes with the flow so far. I hope she stays this easy! I don't want to jinks it by saying it too early.....but she's been a great sleeper at night! I realize this might change.....
My new favorite baby carrier, the Moby. She's all snuggled in there.

First on camera SMILE!!


Lina said...

Love the update Katie! You've inspired me to post more too:)! It seems we have both picked names where we will have to explain or help with pronunciation for most of their life:).

Katie said...

Love the smile....what a pretty little peanut!

Katie said...

last comment is from Joanne on kt's computer :)