Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Just goofin' around

So.....we were hoping to have had this baby by now! Last week Nate had spring break, so we thought it would be PERFECT timing! But, this baby didn't think so. The weather was also a little crummy with all the rain and wind too, and who wants to be born into that?!  And then Nate got Strep Throat and we quarantined him to the guest room for a few days. So Finn and Selah and I just hunkered down and had some good fun at home, mostly inside.

Selah played a lot of dress-up and now that she knows how to turn on the "musgik" by herself, she did a lot of dancing. Check out the video below. She's got some moves.

My latest battle with Selah is over her love of getting into my make-up. I was on the phone the other day and it got quiet in the house....which is usually an indication of Selah sneaking into something she shouldn't. This time it was some beige concealer, she used it as eye shadow and some sort of tummy rub and hand lotion I guess. It was nasty....and she was so proud of her artwork.

 Another thing Selah has been into is drawing, so we did a lot of that while it was raining. She loves to trace her own hand and then draw little faces on each finger. Her drawings also always include a bunch of teeny tiny circles. I probably keep way too many of her drawings, but I think they are so precious.

When Finn wasn't playing with his beads and pretending stuff, he was just being a goofball.

 And this picture is a little hint of the new Finn. He has befriended a couple of boys at preschool who LOVE Star Wars, so naturally he does too now! Nate was thrilled to experience watching Star Wars with Finn last night for Finn's first time. I'm not sure who enjoyed it more, Finn or Nate. Today I was inundated with Star Wars questions about the movie. Death Star, light-sabers, aliens, Luke Skywalker.....

Oh, and Clifford came for a visit from preschool! I can't tell here whether Clifford is being held hostage or if he's Finn's side-kick. (or kick-side as Finn would say.)

Hopefully some fun pics ahead of sunny Spring days and a new little Monley! Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Heath Family said...

Can't wait to meet the new little Monley. We are praying for a safe and fast delivery! Love to you all!