Friday, January 09, 2009

And "Safety First" takes the Championship!!!

Last night's championship game was AWESOME. It went an extra inning because of a tie, then we had to come back by 5 in one inning. It was probably our most exciting game of the season, and all of the sudden, I just LOVE co-ed city league slow-pitch softball! I'm hooked. It was SO foggy last night, that it was almost comical. I could barely see the batter from center field, hence the horrible quality of our photos. (Oh, and Nate played awesome! It's fun to watch him slide. He likes to slide. Sometimes he slides when the ball isn't even near him.)

There's nothing like a good game with good friends. And, we lived up to our injuries this season. Go Safety First!!!


Josephine Tournier Ingram said...

That was SOOOOO fun!!!!!
Woohoooo! :)

Heath Family said...

Way to go Monleys! You guys rock!