Friday, March 04, 2011

More February Fun!

February was such a fun month for us. We had some weirdly warm weather here and there, which made for some fun outside days at parks and the backyard. We had dogs for a week, and welcomed a new little baby into our group of good friends. And we had a fun visit from our good friends Jos and Jared, who are also expecting! I know so many expecting women right now - it's so fun! On Nate's side of the family alone, we will have 7 babies born within 7 months! That group of kids is going to rule the roost someday!

Here's some cute pics of our recent visit with friends.

Jos and the incredible pregnancy pillow. They lugged this thing all the way from SB and I don't blame them.  It looks like it's eating her! When she first showed it to us she said "Nate you should get one!" because everyone knows Nate sleeps with about 6 pillows every night....and I'm the pregnant one!

I almost didn't give it back.

Jared modeling off the little onesie he painted for his little buddy, baby Louie.

It's wild to think that in a few months there will be 3 babies attached to these 3 women. It's almost like we planned it! One down, two to go!

The kids have been playing so well together lately. They jump together, they play on the play structure together, ride bikes and scooter, and play some imaginary games like one they call "Spooks." They are just SO different from each other that I thought they might not ever really connect. But they do! They both share the same level of excitement for life....and they fight.

A rare moment of Finn's arms around Selah

This is one of their favorite games called "I'll save you!"

The parking lot next to our house has been getting lots of love lately with our bikes and scooter and skateboards. Finn's getting so good and fast on his bike. We are thinking of taking off the training wheels real soon! We'll see how our timid boy feels about that though.

A couple of weeks ago (on the windiest day ever) Finn's preschool had one of our favorite field trips to Safetyville USA! It's a little miniature Sacramento! We've gone before and had the tour where they teach the kids safety skills. But this time all the kids got to bring their bikes and just ride around the town. I totally wanted to be a kid again for this field trip, instead of a boring old mom standing on the corner watching. Everything is kid-size, the streets, the store fronts (you can't go in the buildings though) and timed street lights.

Safetyville is all enclosed, so for most kids you don't have to watch them all the time. They can't really get lost! However.....Selah managed to ditch her scooter and her shoes (luckily leaving a trail right to her) and tuck herself into a teeny corner behind one of the fake buildings so she could throw some rocks over the fence. That girl is so random!

Kid bus stop, perfect for a little rest.

One of most exciting parts of every day at preschool is finding out who gets to take Clifford home with them for a one-night adventure. Clifford writes about his adventure and the story is read the next day to the class.  Finn's not one of the kids who goes crazy for Clifford, but he was pretty thrilled to have his turn last month. Clifford had a good time with Finn until Finn lost interest and he was kidnapped by Selah.

I don't remember why Finn was wearing my boots. Hmm.......

1 comment:

The Johnsons said...

Hi Monleys! I just found your blog through the Evarts and decided to have a peek. It's so cute to see you and Jos pregnant together. How fun! You guys have such a cute family!